Welcome To The Danvers Rail Trail
From Rails To Recreation
Recognize your family, your pet, your business, your favorite charity!
Your investment in our mileage marker program helps our all-volunteer team maintain and improve the Danvers Rail Trail and bring countless hours of outdoor experiences to residents of Danvers and the North Shore.
Should you have any questions regarding the sponsorship program, please send an email to info@danversrailtrail.org.
Mile Marker Sponsor Program
One way in which you can support the Danvers Rail Trail is by sponsoring a marker along our trail! There are two options available for sponsoring and they are:
Ad size 4” x 8“ on two markers: $500 per year (every mile). Also includes listing on our website.
Ad size 4” x 4“ on single marker: $150 per year (every tenth of mile). Also includes listing on our website.
Marker locations are currently available on both the South/North Extension and West/East Extension.
The South to North extension runs from the Peabody rail trail line, behind the Danvers Indoor Sports for 4.3 miles to the Wenham line. There are 86 mile markers on this extension, 25 are available.
The West To East extension runs from the Middleton rail trail line to Hobart Street, behind Cherry Street Fish Market. There are 58 mile markers on this extension, 30 are currently available.
To see all available markers on the South/North extension, click here. To see all the markers available on the West/East Trail, click here. Visit our map to view the trail extensions.
Thank you for your generous donation in support of the Danvers Rail Trail. Your donation helps us continue to enhance and improve this wonderful recreational resource!
The Friends of the Danvers Rail Trail (EIN: 82-4172147) is organized with the specific purpose of advancing the public recreational use of abandoned railroad corridors in Danvers MA exclusively through the Danvers Rail Trail Advisory Committee.
As a 501c3 organization, your donations are tax deductible to the full amount allowed by law (check with your tax adviser).
Tax deductible contributions can be sent to:
Friends of Danvers Rail Trail
PO Box 211
Danvers, MA 01923
"Adopt A Planter" Sponsor Program
The Rail Trail will bloom throughout the spring, summer, and fall with 5,000 bulbs planted by various volunteers, wildflowers, and various trees and shrubs.
Some supporters have placed planters at various crossings, filled them with plants, and often include their name.
Would you like your name or business name on a planter as well? We ask that you check with us first, provide the planter, and maintain it. We can help with a gift certificate for small plants or flowers, as well as provide training or assistance with planter set up.
Contact us to learn more!